“There’s an essential oil for that.” Chances are you’ve heard that line a time or two. The use of oils has exploded in recent years, with blends that are touted for a huge range of uses.
The essential oil industry was worth nearly $9 billion in 2020. By 2028, it’s estimated that it will be worth more than $18 billion.
So what’s the big deal? It turns out that using an air scent diffuser in your home and office creates ambiance and elevates the space. But that means getting it in the right place.
Where is that? Keep reading to find out.
The Best Place for Your Air Scent Diffuser
The best advice when you’re looking for a place to put your essential oil diffuser is to look for a central location. For small spaces, you may only need one oil diffuser.
If you have a larger home or office building, you may want to consider using more than one to adequately distribute the scent throughout the space.
If your diffuser plugs in, be sure there’s a place to do so without the cord posing a tripping hazard.
For the best diffusion of your oil blends, it’s best to place your diffuser about two feet off the ground. You can place it on a side table, coffee table, bookshelf, or other similar location.
Where Not to Put Your Diffuser
Now that you know where the best place to put your aroma diffuser is, let’s talk about where not to put it.
Proper care of your diffuser ensures that it functions properly and does the job you need it to do. Some places can compromise this so they should be avoided.
You never want to put your diffuser in direct sunlight. This can damage the machine, but can also interfere with the purpose of the aroma oil you put in it.
Likewise, keep your scent diffuser away from heating vents. This protects the machine as well as the oils inside.
Don’t place the diffuser too close to the wall. This ensures proper oil distribution throughout the room.
Tips for Placement
You’ve found the perfect place to keep your diffuser. What else do you need to know? Use the following tips to help you get the most out of yours.
Because moisture is expelled from your diffuser, be sure it’s placed on a water-resistant surface. You can protect other areas with a water-resistant mat or tray underneath the diffuser.
Likewise, keep the diffuser away from furniture and decor items that can be damaged by moisture.
If you plan to use your oil diffuser in your bedroom, experts suggest keeping it at least three feet from your bed. That way the scents don’t keep you awake at night.
Choose a diffuser that is the right size for your space as well. A large diffuser isn’t necessary for a small room, but a small one won’t work well in a large space. Aromatech has a wide range of options to suit your needs.
Getting Started
Now that you have the ideal place selected for your air scent diffuser, you’re ready to take advantage of the benefits your oil blends have to offer.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with the right placement until you have the perfect place picked out.
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